Labor and Birth Young Living Essential Oil Guide

Hi folks!
So… I’m all about natural labor. All about it!
I mean, don’t get me wrong. I never could have remotely imagined that a human being could possibly withstand and endure the kind of pain that a women feels while in labor… and still survive… yet still… I love it.
I am incredibly blessed to have the ability to become pregnant, to grow a human in me for 9 months (or in my case, 10 months plus some), and to naturally birth that baby into the world. I thank God that I get to experience it all.
And I thank Him again for giving us…
Essential Oils.
His natural cure-all straight from the beautiful plants He created. It’s pretty awesome.
I am going to give a summary on what was used during my 4th labor and delivery. My incredible sister Keturah, was my designated “oiler” and she did an amazing job- I can’t thank her enough.


(Keturah, the oil master, snuggling with the kids after the birth)
I had pre-mixed some blends, and diluted certain oils in small jars to use and just had my oils all handy. I am so glad she was there because in the heat of it all, I wouldn’t have been able to apply all these oils to myself- she was literally at my side slathering me up and down with oils while I was in transition.
So, I had oils diffusing throughout the day while I was laboring. I also had signs hanging up in my room of what was best to diffuse during certain times and what oils were good for certain things so that there was a reference up for all times for myself and others to see.
I will include as much information as I can for all you expectant oily mommys in this blog post!
Diffuser blends: (pre-mix these in small jars and have on hand for your diffuser for designated times)
For relaxing in early labor- Lavender, Orange, and Peppermint
For active labor- Lavender, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang and Roman Chamomile
For energy during transition- Orange, Bergamot, Lavender and Clary Sage
For cool wash cloth blend- Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, Geranium and Lavender
If you have stalled labor or have long labor- CLARY SAGE AND JASMINE ESSENTIAL OILS are you GO TO OILS! They help speed up your labor and progress!
That being said, if you are below 37 weeks pregnant- DO NOT… I REPEAT, DO NOT INHALE OR TOUCH these two oils or any blends containing them because they COULD induce labor.
My sisters, mother, and midwives did not arrive at our home (we had a homebirth) until I was at the end of the transition stage but my sister got right to work still. She applied:
Clary Sage to my inner ankles to speed up labor (this can be applied diluted with a carrier oil or neat). It can be applied to your inner ankles and lower abdomen. Another tip is to ingest it every 30-60 minutes once labor starts in a capsule.
Jasmine (diluted or neat) to the bottoms of my feet and on my tummy to speed up labor and she also held the bottle right up to my mouth and nose to inhale in for a few minutes- (this was all done during transition for me but can also be done during the beginning or active stages of labor as well).
She soaked a washcloth in cold water and put a few drops of peppermint on it and held it to the back of my neck- felt SO GOOD during that phase!!!
She asked me if there was any place I was feeling pain, and I said my hips. She applied valor, neat, to both sides of my hips and my lower back and it literally eased my pain as she rubbed it in. (PanAway could also be used).
After baby was born, she diffused Peace and Calming and Joy essential oils. Perfect combo for a perfect moment!
It was wonderful to have someone in charge of oiling me up and such a help and blessing! I highly recommend! Keturah had a sheet printed out and brought it with of all the oils she could use and for what purpose and was ready to go!
After my daughter was born, I had already pre-mixed Frankincense with olive oil. My parents annointed our brand new baby with this oil after she was born and prayed over her. It was precious moment.


Annointing time with Bubu and Buma
That was what my sister used for me and I can honestly say it made a huge difference. Alongside all of that information- I have other suggestions for labor/birth/baby related things. Try different things out and see what works best for you. And happy birthing!


My midwife, Jeanne, and I. She is wonderful!

Nausea during labor- Peppermint on tongue or in water
Sooth vaginal opening- Frankincense (diluted)
Fear during labor- Peace and calming or Lavender, diffused or in bath water
Energy- Lemon in water all day
Uplififting spirits- Joy on the heart, neat
Perineal massage- Mrryh, 4-6 weeks prior to labor
To sooth perineum after birth- Lavender in warm water applied to area
To keep germs away as guests come to see baby- Thieves, diffused and bottoms of feet
To help urinate after birth- Fumes of Peppermint oil held over uretha
Sleep aid- Lavender, diffused and massaged into body
To aline baby after birth- Valor along spine and bottoms of babys feet
Teething- Thieves, diluted
Diaper Rash- Lavender, diluted


My Shiloh girl


The Amazing Young Living Essential Oils

4 thoughts on “Labor and Birth Young Living Essential Oil Guide

  1. Thank you so much for this. Many related posts were sying to use the oils full strengthand I didn’t want that.

  2. Do you have a copy of the list she kept in your room during labor of oils to use?? I’m doing so much research and reading so many books but I can’t just find or map up on my own a streight forward easy to follow list. Thanks!

    1. Yes you will find so many differing guides out there! I chose the ones I for sure wanted to do, wrote them up and hung it up on our bedroom wall for us to reference to. There really wasn’t anything in my own guide that I wrote that I didn’t try or like!

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