Tales of Today – Part 1


It’s been about a month since I got my tattoo and someone suggested writing some posts on moments where I really lived out the meaning of “today.” It truly has been a life-changing concept for me. One that I’ve always thought of, but to have it right there in front of me… has made quite the difference in my life.

Besides the day-to-day Carpe Diem attitude, I also have some larger scale instances where I’ve truly been touched or made a drastic change in attitude. Simply because of… today.

I’ve relished in the random dance parties. I’ve felt the pain of others around me and given comfort as best I can. I have expressed my feelings more often rather than keeping them in. I have yelled less at my children and listened more. I have laughed more. I have cried more. And that is just tip of the iceberg and only in this past month! I’ve got a lifetime more to learn and grow! WOOOOO!!!!

Just a few days ago, my husband and I were having a slight argument in the car. I don’t even remember what about. I hope I’m not the only one here- you know, those little fights that really don’t even matter, and you won’t even remember, so what is the point? Well… it was one of those, and I was DETERMINED to stay mad and prove a point to him. (Yes… still working on being a virtuous woman, I fail sometimes.) And a couple minutes after some silence, my husband reached out to hold my hand and said he was sorry. I was holding strong. I was going to win this one. He leaned over and starting lifting up my cuff on my jacket… trying to expose my tattoo on my wrist. A slows smile spread across my face. You know that smile where you try to hide it because you want to try to stay mad but it’s just not going to work. Then he goes, “Oh yah, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve…. literally.” Instant mood change. There was no way I could stay mad. I only have today.

The other very powerful instance for me happened yesterday. Let me throw some numbers at you.

4 kids- ages 5,4,2 and 10 months

1 winter and 1 house

Days our house was on the market- 7

Showings on our house in those 7 days- 28 (with many more coming in)

That is not only maintaining a super clean and organized house on top of daily chores but also packing up 4 kids in winter that many times and trying to figure out what we can do and where we can go. Essentially, getting home every once in a while to have a quick meal or do a quick load of laundry. It’s been crazy! But, going into it, I was DETERMINED to find the joy in each day. To look at the positive of each situation. And let me tell you, it was getting harder and harder.

Yesterday, I reached my limit. We had to be gone for a showing from 12-1 and then I could be home till 5pm before the next showing. I was really looking forward to some time at home relaxing and catching up on a few things. Now, I know we can say “no” to any showings but I’d rather not prolong the process any further so we approve them all for the most part. We ran an errand for the first showing and then I got home to give the kids lunch and I got a request for a showing that day from 3-4. Alrighty.. I guess I will leave a little earlier then. I put my 2 year old down for a nap, fed the kids lunch, and tried to tidy up the house for the next showings. My husband gave me a call at 2:15pm and said there was a request for a 2:30 showing. He said we didn’t have to approve it but I said we might as well. I got the kids packed up and woke my son up from his nap. I realized this was a moment of stress. I was feeling stressed. I think I was about to cry. I think I was about to go crazy. I think I had hit my max. Then I received this text message from my husband:

“Meg I love you and thank you for putting up with the showings. Look at your left wrist!”

Instant smile. Immediate relief. All stress and tension just melted off of me. And that simple reminder was the turning point in my entire day. It was the game-changer. It was the plot twist in my story of the day. It was the moment I CHOSE to change my viewpoint on the situations and chose JOY.

So yah, you could say it was pretty good day. Every day is. Because God has given it to me and I will choose to be thankful for each day of life on this earth. In the hard times and the good times. I will be grateful for today.